Love In Abundance

I didn’t really believe in love at first sight until I saw her.

The moment my eyes found her,

Curled up in a little box,

I knew I was taking her back home with me.

And I had absolutely no second thoughts.

For someone who is always afraid of dogs,

This came as a surprise even to me.

There was something about her little features and her innocence,

That had me captured.

There was something so pure in her big brown eyes.

There was something so human like in the way she understood me,

Without me having to say anything.

And there was something that both of us were desperately in need of,

But didn’t know it.


Love in abundance.

I realised this only when we were drowning in each other’s unconditional love,

Feeling happy and content.

Only getting closer with time,

We became inseparable.

When she entered my life,

A lot of things changed.

My perspectives changed,

And my horizons broadened.

I learnt to love myself,

And everybody else without any expectations.

I learnt that happiness lies in the smallest of things,

And it is a conscious choice for each of us to make.

I learnt that anger did me no good,

And sadness doesn’t last long.

I learnt that patience and persistence is very important,

And is the key to everything.

While all this happened,

The way I perceived the world around me changed,

Even the way I looked at myself changed.

I learnt to face everyday as it came,

And live life to the fullest.

I didn’t know what I was missing out on,

Until I experienced the love of a dog.

And that’s when I realised,

I wasn’t the one who gave her a home,

Instead she was one that changed my house into a home.